Home » LED Digital Signs » Pixel Pitch and Resolution Guide

What is a Pixel?

Learn the importance of pixel size, when buying an LED sign.

What is a Pixel?

Let’s start off with the basics. You must understand what an LED pixel is in order to be able to compare each manufacturer. The word pixel refers to the smallest unit of measurment when dealing with LED signs. One pixel will consist of a red, blue, green and blue LED. These colors are what gives your sign the ability to produce all colors. Typical pixel manufacturers use will contain either 3 or 4 LED’s per pixel. 

See below to see visual examples of how to compare pixels.

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Learn to compare

LED Pixel

Pixel pitch refers to the distance in millimeters, from the center of one pixel to the center of the adjacent pixel. In other words, the smaller the closer the pixels are to none another, the better the resolution is on your LED sign.

The pixel pitch is the most important aspect of creating quality advertisments that pertain videos and graphics. If you do not have enough pixels on your LED sign, the quality of your advertisments will not be as sharp.

For example, a 10mm LED sign will have a higher resolution than a 20mm LED sign because the distance between pixels are closer together. 

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